Flight Detail

Flight Detail

For Filters, Favourite Flights, Lock Flights and Salary go to Flight Management

Flight details

Basic flight information is displayed at the top of the flight detail. Other fields, such as scheduled times, take-off and landing times, additional function times, etc. can be switched on in Configure fields section.

  1. Flight

    • Date: Enter the date of the flight/session

    • Entry Type: By default, new entry is created as flight but you can change this to other duties. Note: you can long-press the plus button from flight overview to choose different duty type directly. Each time you change the duty type, Logger checks entered data. In case that you have data which doesn't correspond to the type of duty, Logger will give you an alert (e.g. flight time with sim duty)

    • From - To: You can either enter ICAO or IATA code of the airport. You can also use the nearest airport (within 2km) or enter airports from the database. When using the database dropdown menu, Logger will show favourite airports first, followed by recently used airports (manually logged), up to 10 airports

    • OOOI: Out-Off-On-In times use HHmm format in UTC. By default Off and On times are switched off.

    • Flight: When Off and On times are filled in, flight time is automatically calculated (off by default)

    • Block: When Out and In times are filled in, block time is automatically calculated

  2. Scheduled Times

    Scheduled times are automatically imported from certain airline importers.

    • Out: Scheduled off block time. Logger uses this time to suggest start of duty (based on set report time in settings)

    • In: Scheduled on block time

  3. Add Aircraft From Database

    • You can add existing aircraft or create new one directly from flight detail.

    • If the aircraft is already in the database, use “Quick Add” to quickly add it to the flight. In this example, you can type “UT” to search for "OK-UTH", if there is no other matching combination, green checkmark will signal that exact match was found and aircraft can be added to the flight from the database. Tapping on Enter, green checkmark or changing focus will automatically add the aircraft

    Note: Swipe left to remove the aircraft from flight

  1. Function Times

    Function times allow you to log time under specific rules or function. As there are many different functions pilots can log, Logger allows you to toggle specific function time fields on and off to suit your needs.

    • You can set the colour of each function time in Configure fields section

    • There are up to 6 custom times you can add on top of the function times already in database

    • To easily identify function times from flight overview, Logger displays colour-coded dots

    • You can quickly copy total block time to function time by tapping on the "+HH:mm" button

    • To speed up the logging process, you can set auto-fill for specific function times. When block time changes, these function times will automatically match the block time. More on this in Field Settings (Logging)

    • Night Time: We use an algorithm from the United States Naval Observatory to automatically calculate night time with 1 minute precision. When you add departure, destination, Out and In times, Night time automatically populates.

      • Note: If you change the destination there after, use the "CHECK" button to recalculate the nigh time

  2. Add Take-offs and Landings

    • If you have auto-fill take-offs and landings ON in settings, Logger will automatically assign exactly one take-off and one landing (day / night) when Pilot Flying (PF). When PF is switched off, Logger will set all take-offs and landings to 0.

    • We recommend to switch off the auto-fill take-offs and landing for General Aviation

  1. Add Pilot From Database

    • You can add existing crew or create new one directly from flight detail. By default PIC and SIC positions are visible in the flight detail. You can toggle other roles in Configure fields.

    • If the pilot is already in the database, use “Quick Add” to quickly add them to the flight. When there is a match, green checkmarks will appear next to each pilot position. Tap on the position you would like to assign and pilot will get copied over.

    • Swipe left to remove the pilot from flight

  1. Add Duty Time

    • If you have Duty Times On in Configure Fields Configure fields you can log On Duty, Off Duty and Duty Total times

    • Where a duty day consists of single entry, you can put On Duty and Off Duty in one entry

    • Where a duty day consists of multiple entries you enter On Duty time for the first entry and Off Duty time for the last entry of the day.

    • E.g. If you have 2 flights LGW-DUB and return flight DUB-LGW, you will put On Duty to LGW-DUB entry and Off Duty to DUB-LGW entry

    • Logger will automatically match these duties and ask you whether you would like to update the Duty Total

    • If you subsequently make a change to your On Duty or Off Duty, Logger will automatically update the Duty Total