Export Flights

Export Flights

Export your flights to PDF logbook or Excel

Logger makes it easy to export your flights in couple of quick and easy steps. You can choose from many different Aviation Authority approved formats (EASA, FAA, TCA, CASA), Logger format or create custom layout. You can also export your flights into CSV which is Excel and Numbers compatible.

  1. Export PDF

  • To export your flights, go to Database - Export PDF and choose your preferred format (sidebar on iPad)

  • Select number of lines you would like on each page (15 to 19). This is handy if you are keeping paper logbook and need to check the totals on each page

  • Flights and Simulator entries are exported to PDF where appropriate (EASA format). Other duty types are only exported to CSV

  • Export: Generates export into PDF

  1. Export Settings

  • Date range: filter flights by date. When using date range, total times will be adjusted to sum only the displayed flights.

  • Print Last Pages: select this setting if you only need to generate last X pages. New setting will display allowing you to adjust the number of last pages to print. All flights will be used to calculate totals. This is handy in case you need to provide few last pages for interview.

  • Sign Pages: Each page will be auto-signed using your signature from User Settings